Every week I recieve emails from people who have dropped by, its most welcome and is a great incentive for me.
Minto Primary School Sydney conducted a special Indigenous Anzac Day ceremony using information gained from this page. Minto is a suburb of Southwestern Sydney where there is a large Indigenous population. One of the their schoolteachers kindly thanked me for this site. I was invited to attend the ceremony, but due to family commitments (brother's graduation from University) was unfortunately unable to attend. I have asked for a copy of the speech given and any other information regarding this very special occasion.
Hopefully this has set a precedent and other schools around Australia will also hold these Anzac Day, NAIDOC Week, or Rememberance Day commemorations with an Indigenous perspective!!! This is one of the big reasons for me having this info on the net, I'm very happy about it!!! :)
I recieve on average one request a week for help in school assignments and projects, university work and 'normal' research.
I have also had several emails from both Australian and United States University academics expressing their interest in my research, looks like the site is gettin' around a bit eh! :)
I have only ever recieved one lot of negative feedback regarding my website, actually it was more than negative - it was racist as well unfortunately. And it came from a fellow that you would think would know better, an ex-soldier who served with honour in the Vietnam War.
In the last week I have recieved quite a few emails from people (it appears from the USA) asking one question:
"who is the only known Aboriginal to fight for Australia in World War Two"
I have asked what this competition involves, where it is etc but no-one has been kind enough to tell me. Most of the emails have not included a name, and are not polite. Simply "hey man, can u help me with this question?" thats it.
In World War Two there were several HUNDRED known Aboriginal 'fighters', soldiers, sailors and airmen, both male and female.